Facts for Students About GVSU Tuition, Financial Aid, and the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget

In response to students’ concerns regarding 大峡谷州立大学’s upcoming academic year's tuition, financial aid investment and availability, and the surrounding budget impacts due to COVID-19 circumstances, we’re sharing the following information with you for greater transparency and understanding.


首先也是最重要的, our priority through this pandemic has been and continues to be you – the students – and maintaining the 博天堂官方 experience as close as possible given the current guidance surrounding in-person classes and health precautions we are mandated to follow. Our surveys have indicated that more than 90 percent of you desire to have an in-person fall semester. Our campus is ready for that, and we are excited for your return! The quality of the education delivered in this upcoming year will not be diminished, regardless of the method in which it may be delivered.


There has been much discussion regarding 博天堂官方’s tuition rate for this academic year. The university budget and resulting tuition rate is impacted by many variables:

  • COVID-19 conditions are projected to reduce enrollment levels by 7 percent. 
  • The State of Michigan’s Fiscal Year 2020 Higher Education Budget was cut 11 percent due to a $2 billion loss in state revenue as a result of COVID-19. This 11-percent reduction in 2021 state appropriation support may be reduced further depending on changing state budget conditions.
  • 博天堂官方, as well as other Michigan public universities, is fighting broader demographic trends, which decreases student enrollment levels and associated revenue. 
  • 大峡谷州立大学 is facing a projected Fiscal Year 2021 budget shortfall of approximately $42 million. 

GVSU faculty and staff have taken a number of proactive steps to reduce spending without altering the 博天堂官方 experience for students and will continue to look for new and innovative ways to do so. 


Despite budget challenges that necessitated an average tuition increase of $192 per semester, the Board of Trustees approved a substantial 13 percent increase in financial aid:

  • $5.7 million in additional permanent recurring funding means more merit- and need-based financial aid for our students this year and in the future.  
  • 再加2美元.25 million of institutional financial aid that students can apply for right now to address hardships this academic year.

These investments in financial aid have offset the tuition increase for many students and lowered average net tuition overall.


Other Financial Aid Support for Students

  • 博天堂官方获奖1余项,000 scholarships totaling more than $1 million to student employees who could not work due to COVID-19.
  • 大学分发了9美元.1 million in CARES Act funding directly to 7,000+ students in May.
  • 博天堂官方 earmarked an additional $7 million in institutional aid to be spread over a period of four years to support educational pursuit.
  • 格兰德谷提供了帮助,000+ students due to hardship needs using both federal and institutional dollars.   
  • The university eliminated the online course fee saving $1.向学生收费500万美元.
  • 博天堂官方 has no additional student fees (student activity fee, technology fee, etc.), which are often charged at other institutions.



Net Cost of Tuition for a Typical GVSU Student



Source: Estimate from GVSU Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships

You May be Eligible for Financial Aid

There are two main focuses of institutional financial aid: merit-based aid and need-based. 在过去的几年里, GVSU has been able to improve financial aid awards for both categories to remain competitive for recruitment and to support retention through our financial aid programs. Aid may be available to you, even if you think you do not qualify, so please 联系并询问



通过这一切, 大峡谷州立大学 remains an excellent choice for pursuing your higher education goals. 


我们一流的师资队伍, 实践学习机会, 小班授课, 最先进的设施, 有竞争力的成本, 广泛的校友网络, and job placement and career support all make up the 博天堂官方 experience and prepare you for whatever is next, 即使在这些艰难的时刻. The current budget supports all those benefits. 作为一名未来的湖人球员, you have a stake in ensuring your school remains in a strong, competitive position and continues to be a national leader in higher education. That’s the Laker Effect and we’re glad you’re proud to be a part of it.
